QR Feedback

Get honest customer feedback with a simple QR code

Increase customer satisfaction


Discover Insights

Make data-driven decisions with confidence.

Customer Relations

Work together with your customers to improve your service and reward quality feedback.

Actionable Feedback

Get insights on customer experience and take action on feedback.

Sentiment Analysis

Monitor and analyze customer feedback and ensure the well being of your business.

Powerful and Easy to Use

Everything you need to collect and manage customer feedback effectively

Analytics Dashboard

Track scans, responses, and completion rates with our intuitive analytics dashboard.

Analytics Dashboard

Form Builder

Design beautiful feedback forms with ratings, emoji reactions, and custom questions.

Form Builder

Custom QR Code Generator

Create branded QR codes with custom designs, logos, and colors to match your business identity.

Custom QR Code Generator

Response Management

View and analyze customer feedback in real-time with our organized response interface.

Response Management

How It Works

Create a Form

Design your survey with custom questions tailored to your needs.

Design QR Code

Generate a unique QR code that links directly to your survey form.


Print your custom QR codes and place them anywhere to get feedback.

Get Responses

Collect and analyze survey responses in real-time.

© 2025 QR Feedback



Built by Phil



